Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The hospital that I work at has recently received the very first National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) Quality Award for Academic Medical Centers. This means nurses at this hospital have been recognized for prioritizing and achieving the highest quality, safety and patient-centered care. This particular hospital is striving for higher patient care outcomes, and has achieved its goals. It's refreshing for a nursing student who will be entering the field in January, to see a hospital so committed to excellence. It's a place any nurse would be lucky to work at. As far as changes, I believe more hospitals should be striving for outstanding nursing quality. This reflects higher on the profession and the hospital, and leads to higher patient care outcomes. With higher nursing quality it will also limit the amount of days that patients will have to spend in the hospital, therefore cutting down on cost. Working in the hospital environment I see several patients with health problems that could have been prevented with preventative medicine. In order to achieve health care reform, there will have to be a shift of focus from tertiary care to preventative health care.


  1. I used to work in a health care facility that needed a lot of improvements in the care that they provided. I think that improving care given by the workers is key to improving the health of our nation. Without giving quality care, no one is going to get better. It is good to hear that some facilities are taking steps to improving their quality of care.

  2. I think recognizing quality work is the first step to improving quality of care; happy employees provide better care!

  3. Is this a common award? Are there many other hospitals that have recieved this honor? Has this changed anything in the hospital itself, like pay rates, patients, or staffing?
