Monday, March 2, 2009

Health Care Reform Proposal

In today’s world, the economic downturn has been a top priority, but health care reform will remain one of the most controversial issues facing the country. While a total health care overhaul is unlikely, we must give a sense of urgency to small changes capable of making a great impact.
A new reform should improve access and be cost effective, while providing exceptional quality. Ideally, congress would pass legislation requiring all employers to provide health coverage to their employees. This would provide coverage to people who work part time and people whose position or wage status may not qualify them for coverage. This would reduce the amount of uninsured people and also the amount of people dependent solely on tax funded care, for example, Badger Care. This would also increase access, since people who had no coverage could utilize health services without worrying about paying out of pocket. This would reduce the amount of people using emergency care as their primary care.
Although passing costs on to companies and employers may be difficult in a struggling economy, it would serve as motivation for companies to take interest in the health and well-being of their employees, since their profitability now depends upon it. Similarly, an employee whose wages depend on his health and efficient use of health care might begin to take more responsibility for his well-being, and would promote preventative care as opposed to reactive care. To give employees an idea of how much money their employers are spending on their health care, a new piece of legislation was introduced in October that would require employers to report the annual health insurance expenditures on their employees W-2 tax forms.
. The current trend of wastefulness contributes to soaring costs. To reduce this waste, efforts should focus on simplifying administration, researching cost/benefit comparisons in treatment, and eliminate unnecessary procedures and tests, and providing incentives to do so. Increased cost effectiveness would allow for better treatment and payment of the health care workforce, more efficient care, and lower premiums for businesses and employees alike.
If congress passed legislation passing responsibility for health to the individual, and if companies are motivated to reduce waste and become cost effective while maintaining quality, we would be well on our way to having one of the best health care systems in the world, without risking all the problems that could come from a massive system overhaul.


“American College of Surgeons: Statement on Health Care Reform”. 31 October 2008. Accessed 2 March 2009.

Schoeff, Mark Jr. “Health Care Reform to Be a Top Priority of Congress”. 21 October, 2008. Accessed 2 March 2008.


  1. I know that a health care reform is needed but like this poster said, I think the economy needs to be first priority. I used to work at a restaurant and I just recently got my hours greatly scaled back. We just simply were not getting enough business because people don't want to go out to eat anymore. They falling economy has had a ripple effect and has caused even waitresses to lose valuable hours. I'm a working college student so I need every penny I can get. Health care is important but if people can't make money there will be no way for us to pay for the health care we need!

  2. As a small business owner with five employees it is very difficult to provide health insurance for all of them, but my husband and I have found a way to do this for them. By offering health insurance we have found hardworking, responsible employees that we can depend on. We take our health and our employees health very seriously and I think we have better health from it as well as our employees.

  3. I feel that having employers offer health insurance to their employees is a good step but what if a private provider is offering a better deal? Do you suggest we have both public and private insurance still? I just feel that with employers offering insurance some won't use it and would be costing the business money in the long run. This becomes a problem of competition and what our economy is based on.

  4. Do you think that ALL businesses could afford to provide health care to their employees? What about small businesses? I know there are a lot of business owners that would go out of business if they had to budget for health care for their employees, even if it was only a couple people.

  5. i think the best way to to have employers provide coverage for all their employees, and then for people who are unemployed, have some sort of a coverage plan through the government. This seems like the only way to ensure everyone has some type of coverage. If someone wants to go above and beyond the coverage they are given at their place of employment, there should be advanced plans available through private companies

  6. i agree that we need to fix the economy first in order to help with the failing health care system. We need to earn money needed to finance a universal health plan, and that is going to take time. It isnt going to happen overnight, and taking small steps is the best way to initiate health care reform.
